International Journal of Cyber Diplomacy / 2023, Volume 4
European Union's Public Diplomacy Analysis: The European External Action Service Chapter
Bianca Adriana STANCIU,
This essay aims to outline a policy analysis directed at the European Union (EU), as a highly advanced diplomatic actor. In doing so, this paper seeks to provide an in-depth overview of cyber diplomacy. This knowledge would further be exploited to briefly describe the main characteristics of the EU from a cyber diplomacy point of view. Additionally, the case study of the European External Action Service (EEAS) will be taken into consideration, in order to evaluate its cyber diplomacy strategy in January 2022. Thus, EEAS’ Twitter page (@eu_eeas) will be analysed through cyber diplomacy lenses. Both quantitative and qualitative data encompassing the author’s informed observations of EEAS’ interactions on the social media platform will be contained as part of the analysis. To conclude, this academic paper formulates a series of policy recommendations targeted at the EEAS’ digital policy strategy.
Public Policy,
Cyber diplomacy,
Public Diplomacy,
European External Action Service,
EU Cyber Diplomacy,
Digital diplomacy
Bianca Adriana STANCIU,
"European Union's Public Diplomacy Analysis: The European External Action Service Chapter",
International Journal of Cyber Diplomacy,
ISSN 2668-8662,
vol. 4,
pp. 53-60,