International Journal of Cyber Diplomacy / 2023, Volume 4

The Interweaving of Diplomacy, Technology and Governance: The Case of the UN COPUOS

Ulpia Elena BOTEZATU


This article explores the interplay between diplomacy, technology, and governance in the context of the work within the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). It highlights how the convergence of these three factors has shaped the work of the Committee and influenced the development of international norms and standards for space activities by exploring the cases of the Outer Space Treaty and the Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines. The article also analyses the challenges and opportunities presented by this interweaving and suggests ways to enhance cyber diplomacy efforts in the space sector. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of considering the subjects of diplomacy, technology, and governance in a joint manner, for shaping the future of space activities and the need for continued cooperation and collaboration in this field.

Cyber diplomacy, International Cooperation, Emerging Technologies, COPUOS, Space Governance

Full text:

Ulpia Elena BOTEZATU, "The Interweaving of Diplomacy, Technology and Governance: The Case of the UN COPUOS", International Journal of Cyber Diplomacy, ISSN 2668-8662, vol. 4, pp. 3-13, 2023.